Wednesday marked the final day of EART16 (click here recaps of day 1 and day 2), Mission: Restore’s first ever regional surgical training in East Africa. The 41 participating surgeons started off the day by taking part in participating and observing two live surgeries. Despite the small size of the operating theater, the surgeons were able to monitor the surgeries with two simulcast screens set up nearby. Through this set-up, the surgeons were able to pose questions in real time about the techniques being used.
Dr. Kaveh Alizadeh used the moments between these final two surgeries to debrief the attendees on the importance of teamwork in the OR for achieving the best surgical outcomes. After the surgeries were complete, the surgeons discussed and ask further questions about what they had observed in the OR, sourcing knowledge from their more experienced colleagues, and learning more about the techniques they could bring with them to their own hospitals.
The final day ended with the presentation of certificates and closing remarks from the Chair of the Department of Surgery, Professor Peter Ndaguatha, who celebrated the diversity of the participants and the continued collaboration between Mission: Restore and the University of Nairobi Kenyatta National Hospital.
But perhaps the most exciting development as EART16 came to a close were the shared contacts, planned visits, and new bonds created among this vanguard of surgeons committed to collaboratively closing the global surgical gap.
Mission: Restore extends our warmest thanks to our sponsors, partners, all of our supporters, and above all, participants, for their enthusiastic participation, and for being committed to tackling this critical global health challenge.